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The Michigan Index

To those of you that have families and friends within the Michigan Zone; I am truly, deeply sorry to tell you that the EAG has been lying to you.


As of May 15th, 2022, I learned what the EAG's forces have actually been doing to those trapped inside the Michigan Zone; they're killing and enslaving them, or sometimes worse.


This subcategory of the website was originally meant to house a list of every man, woman, and child that has been lost in the aftermatch of the Michigan Incident. However, after re-taking full control of the blog and several other site functions, it will now serve as a guide to the Michigan Zone, its threats, and possible methods of escape.


To those within the Michigan Zones; may this guide help you, and may God help you as well. America will one day be the land of the free once more, just as it once was.


To those outside of the Michigan Zones: Do not give up. If you are in the southeastern USA, take up arms and fight for your friends; for everyone you know, because without you, all is lost.


Stay strong.

-- A friend

"Almost all information regarding the environments of the West and East Michigan Zone and Warzone 162 Evolved can be accessed here. Consider this a sort of "game guide," but set within the lore of Catz vs. 133. Some elements have been left intentionally vague so that players may find out themselves what certain entities do, or learn from others' experience, rather than having all the information at once." --Dev Catz







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