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Michigan Index:

Threats to Watch For

A catalogue of the known threats within the Michigan Zone can be found here. Please note that this is not a complete guide, as more information is being found out about these entities each and every day. Check back often for updated info.

Michigan Denizens


EAG Code Name: "Mobs"

Faction: None

Threat Level: Minimal (01/10) - Moderate (04/10)

Environment: Michigan Zone - All Areas

These entities appear to be native to the Michigan Zone only, appearing at night time in the normal Michigan Zone and frequently at all hours within the Michigan Zone Underworld (aka "The Nether") and Michigan Zone Abyss (aka "The End") sub-dimensions.


Full details about Michigan Denizens can be found here.



EAG Code Name: E.A.G. "Enforcement" Combat Android

Faction: Eeveeperial American Government

Threat Level: Semi-Moderate (03/10)

Environment: Deployed anywhere where needed

Combat android models deployed by the Eeveeperial American Government to the Michigan Zone can come in various forms. The most basic classification is the Enforcement model, including its CQC (close quarters) and LQC (sniper) models.


These are relatively easy to overcome if you are well-equipped; however, if you don't have the tools to defeat them, it is suggested you avoid contact with them instead.


At a distance, E.A.G. Enforcement Androids may appear human to the unobservant eye. However, they are most certainly not human and will kill you if they manage to spot you. They are not programmed to feel remorse towards taking human lives, and will always shoot-to-kill unless explicitly ordered by commanders not to do so (which is exceptionally rare).

"KRATOS" Androids


EAG Code Name: "Project Kratos" Heavy Combat Model

Faction: Eeveeperial American Government

Threat Level: High (06/10)

Environment: West Michigan Zone and Outside Michigan Zones

These models are Heavy Combat Androids made by the E.A.G. exclusively for deployment throughout the Michigan Zone. They are exceptionally more dangerous than any other models currently on record.


The class consists of six types of android; the Flamenaught, Knight, Escort, Grenadier, Cremator, and APF. All Kratos Androids are equipped with "anti-gravity punch" kits capable of suspending their targets helplessly in air if they get too close, from which they can be easily unloaded upon. The only exception to this is the Knight, which attacks at melee range.


These androids frequently make use of incendiary weapons, as hinted at by their fireglow orange color scheme. The APF and Knight appear to be the only exceptions to this.



Hunter Squads


EAG Code Name: Unknown

Faction: Eeveeperial American Government

Threat Level: Very High (07/10)

Environment: West Michigan Zone

Unknown androids released by EAG with purple visors. They are deployed in squads of 3-5 members, sometimes having squads of up to 8-12 members. Image unable to be taken at this time. More information is required.


Our recommendation is to avoid these androids at all costs.

"Void Walker Omicron"


EAG Code Name: "VW-003" / "Omicron Variant"

Faction: None

Threat Level: Excessive (10/10)

Environment: East Michigan Zone

An entity from a dark dimension of reality where the rules of our baseline reality do not apply to any reasonable degree.


Void Walker Omicron, sometimes just called "VW Omicron" or just referred to as the "Void Walker" is a being of exceptional power, able to quickly kill any living being with a process known as "Internal Decaying." Unlike its predecessors, however, the process of internal decay inflicted by VW Omicron appears to be near-instantaneous, if not actually instantaneous.


Void Walker Omicron currently haunts the East Michigan Zone, where its attacks are inescapable except by hiding. There were previously several ways to escape Void Walker Omicron while it inhabited the West Michigan Zone. Currently, these methods include...

  • Blocking yourself in a safe room. VW Omicron appears to be unable to destroy properly reinforced structures, apart from doors and weaker reinforced building materials such as dirt and cobblestone.

  • Void Walkers appear to be vulnerable to electrical shocks and extremely bright light. Usage of a taser or flashbang will briefly stun them for several seconds.

  • Rumors say that its vision is based on movement, however this has yet to be confirmed by anyone at the moment. Should this be true, remaining still may be a solution to avoid attacks from VW Omicron.

  • VW Omicron is incapable of attacking within the Michigan Underworld or during daytime hours. Traveling at night is not suggested, and this is the easiest way to avoid VW Omicron attacks.

  • Attacking the Void Walker with fire or flames can impair its movement. Additionally, knocking it back with high-powered weaponry is useful as well, as it appears to be incapable of attacking targets at-range.

"Void Walker Theta"


EAG Code Name: "VW-002" / "Theta Variant"

Faction: Unknown

Threat Level: Enigmatic (Unknown)

Environment: West Michigan Zone

An entity from a dark dimension of reality where the rules of our baseline reality do not apply to any reasonable degree.


Void Walker Theta is theorized to be one of the "original" instances of Void Walkers to discover the living world. This theory is backed up by it being a being of immense power, strength, and intelligence. EAG has theorized that VW Theta is "the father of all shadow demons" within the research notes of its human scientists.


It is unknown how Void Walker Theta selects its victims, or how it came to the Michigan Zone. However, what is known is that an unknown individual has apparently made a contract with VW Theta to eliminate "high priority targets" that are deemed to be "powerful enough to disrupt the balance of this world." What this criteria means is unknown, but it is theorized that it intentionally will seek out strong targets in an attempt to eliminate them.


VW Theta also has several other unique abilities that no other Void Walker possesses the ability to utilize. These abilities are:

  • The ability to sense and remotely destroy forms of anomalous teleportation or other form of interdimensional dislocation technology on its targets.
    This destruction is always temporary, and teleportation items will usually re-appear in targets' inventories a short duration after it either reaches a target or is sent back to its home dimension trying.
    For some reason it doesn't work on "Curio" slots. The reason for this is unclear at the present moment.

  • The ability to dynamically adjust almost all of its bodily functions to suit its immediate needs. This ability allows it to become virtually indestructible for any period of time it desires.

  • The ability to effortlessly destroy almost any obstruction in its path, as long as VW Theta is fully in the same dimensional plane as the material, regardless of its reinforced state. The West Michigan Zone appears to alter VW Theta such that this is always the case.

  • The ability to manipulate the substance that makes up its home dimension into various liquid-like substances with a disparity of effects, which it can then load into explosive charges and onto the tips of arrows.

  • The ability to lock onto and track targets from exceptionally far distances, up to at least 3,000 kilometers away. A limit has yet to be determined.

  • The ability to understand English and fluently speak it.


Give its unique abilities and superior intelligence, no 100% feasible methods have been discovered to neutralize Void Walker Theta. However, it is possible to evade and outsmart him by other means. Currently, these methods include...


  • Detonating an explosive charge at point-blank range seems to be a viable strategy. Its consistency, however, is unknown.


This list will expand as more method are found and/or proven to be no longer effective.

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