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[DEV] Project Evolution: Part 1.9 Release (furrvee v4.1)

This update possesses additional classified details that have been struck from the record. DM Catz for an uncensored copy of this file.

FurrVee v4.1 has dropped bearing the (almost) full release of Project Evolution's missing content. Huzzah! Here's your patch notes, you've all earned it. And you have definitely waited a long time for it.


New Weapons

  • Added the Katana. It's basically a watered-down version of the Dreamsaber Replica.

    • Stats are shared with the Dreamsaber Replica, except for:

    • Damage combo reduced to [25,30,40] from [30,50,80]

    • Swings are about 10% slower

    • R-Ability: Defensive Stance. Press "R" to briefly enter a defensive stance and parry any incoming melee attacks. This ability requires precision; every "R" press will only parry attacks for 0.4 seconds. If an attack is parried successfully, there will be no cooldown before you can use Defensive Stance again; if not, there will be a delay of 600ms where you are open to melee damage.

+2 redacted bullet points...

Stats & Behavior Changes


    • Dealing or receiving damage with the Dreamsaber equipped will now grant "Soul Energy." It caps at 1000 and can be used as a sort of currency for Amelia's special abilities.

    • Collecting orbs hidden around Spirit's War episodes can also increase Soul Energy.

    • C-Ability (tap): Heart Swap. Press "C" to switch between the "Spirit" and "Phantom" style. You must wait 10 seconds after switching to be able to revert back to the other style. You can switch styles while using abilities. Spirit: Evasive and defensive stance with increased movement and regeneration. Soul Energy accumulates passively in this style, but it can only go up to 200 via this method. Phantom: Powerful combat style. Sacrifices defensive power and speed for near-limitless offensive potential. While in Phantom form, dealing damage builds Soul Energy.

    • Spirit Z-Ability: Soul Dash. Press "Z" to boost Amelia's movement speed to 250% for a short duration. This speed boost lasts for 3 seconds. Costs 50 Soul Energy with a 15-second cooldown.

    • Phantom Z-Ability: Dodge Roll. Press "Z" to quickly dodge forward a short distance. While dodging, you are given the Unbreakable status effect. Costs 0 Soul Energy with a 3-second cooldown. Dodging straight into weaker enemies will inflict the Exposed status effect.

    • Spirit X-Ability: Spirit Shield. Press "X" to concentrate Amelia's energy inwards, boosting Amelia's health regeneration rate to 1000% for a short duration. Costs 400 Soul Energy with a 60-second cooldown.

    • Phantom X-Ability: Afterlife Zandatsu Swirl. Press "X" to spin around in a 360 degree circle sweep. Any enemies hit by this attack will be OHKO'ed if they are under the Exposed status effect; otherwise, they will receive a large amount of damage instead. Enemies killed by this attack will grant a large amount of health and Soul Energy, with the amount given being boosted if they were under the Exposed status condition. Costs 200 Soul Energy with a 20-second cooldown. This ability cannot be used while in the middle of a Dodge Roll.

    • C-Ability (hold): Furious Spirit Surge. If the Soul Energy meter is full, press and hold "C" for a short period to enter Vengeance mode for a short duration. You will not be able to use other weapons or abilities while in Vengeance mode. You cannot enter Vengeance mode if Soul Dash or Spirit Shield is active, or if Afterlife Zandatsu Swirl's animation has not yet completed. Vengeance: Extremely powerful and fast ranged attacking mode. Grants the Haste and Unbreakable status conditions. Time limited.

and now that we're done with that, here's the rest of the changes

  • Buffed the X55 Electric Railcannon

    • Added equip sound

    • Changed animations to allow for easier use

    • Enabled headshot damage multiplier (2x)

    • Charge time for Level 2 reduced to 0.8 seconds from 1.5 seconds

    • Shot damage for Level 2 increased to 50 from 35

    • Recharge time after a Level 2 charge shot has been decreased from 1.7 seconds to 1 second

    • Shot damage for Level 3 increased to 105(!) from 55

    • Shot damage for Level 4 increased to 90 from 70 (at epicenter of explosion)

    • Recharge time after a Level 4 charge shot has been decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

    • Hard Damage inflicted by a Level 4 charge shot has been adjusted

      • Magnitude reduced to 20% from 25%

      • Duration increased to 6 seconds from 4 seconds

  • Buffed the SPAS-12

    • Base damage increased to 10x12 from 7x12 (basically reverting the nerf)

  • Buffed the Eradicator-5 "MOD"

    • Base damage increased to 15 from 11

  • Buffed the Proton

    • Base damage increased to 7 from 6

    • Spread reduced to 2 degrees from 4 degrees

    • Mag size increased to 30 from 25

  • Buffed the Knife

    • Swing speed increased

  • Tweaked the .357 Magnum

    • Base damage increased to 30 from 25

    • Headshot multiplier reduced to 3x from 4x

  • Tweaked the Frying Pan

    • Now available on all teams

  • Nerfed the FAMAS

    • Base damage reduced to 12 from 15

  • Nerfed the PSD

    • Mag size reduced to 25 from 30

  • Nerfed the SMG1

    • Base damage reduced to 9 from 11

  • Nerfed the Frying Pan (all variants)

    • Reduced damage to 22 from 30 per hit

    • No longer forces players to sit

  • Added a new ability to all Dreamsaber variations

    • R-Ability: Defensive Stance. Behaves identically to the Katana's ability. However, parrying recovers a small amount of health. In the Spirit's War Arc, this ability has additional properties. Rather than recovering health, successfully blocking attacks will build Soul Energy rapidly. Additionally, blocking attacks from enemies with weaker melee weapons will have a chance to mark them with the Exposed status effect. This can be chained with A.Z.S. for an effective one-two knockout punch.

    • Changed name to "Dreamsaber Replica" to provide a more distinctive difference from Amelia's Dreamsaber in Spirit's War where necessary.

    • Decided against replacing with a Frying Pan reskin for the time being as I didn't have any ideas.

Other Items

New Items

  • Added Draconic Shields to the game. THE REFERENCES DON'T STOP

    • Given to [REDACTED] and certain Boss Mode characters. Also available to the Elected Commanding Officer, IAHP Administrator, and certain EAG personnel.

    • Having a Draconic Shield in Warzone 162 Evolved will straight-up prevent you from being one-shotted by any conventional damage source. This is planned to change in a future update, but for now, enjoy having psuedo-invincibility.

    • This can also be invoked via administrator commands...sort of.

Status Conditions

New Conditions

  • Added the Exposed status condition. Players or NPCs having this condition are vulnerable to the Zandatsu technique and other forms of being OHKO'ed. This condition is exclusive to Spirit's War currently, but may be added to other areas of the game later.

  • Added the Haste status effect. This condition boosts your movement speed by a certain set percentage until it expires.

  • Added the Hindered status effect. This condition works the opposite of Haste; it indicates a decrease in your movement speed, rather than an increase.

  • Added the Resilience status condition. Players or NPCs with this status effect will regenerate health at a faster rate.

  • Added the Unbreakable status condition. Players or NPCs with this effect are immune to almost all damage sources and status conditions.

    • For clarification, this does not provide the same protection level as a forcefield.

+4 redacted bullet points...

Environment Enemies


  • NPCs weapon accuracy is now also based on distance to their target rather than a fixed studs distance offset

  • When too close to a targeted player, NPCs will now "panic" and fire full-auto. Otherwise, they will fire in short controlled bursts.

  • Fixed a bug where NPCs max magazine sizes were being incorrectly referenced

  • Fixed a bug where NPC respawning attribute changes were not being respected properly

  • Fixed a massive bug where NPCs were not loading their AI scripts at all in Site-Nexus

  • Fixed a server crash for "omni-detection." You'll know what that means eventually...

Industrial Agency of Human Preservation

  • New Enemy: Preservationist Shotgunner A lightweight close-range ambusher making use of the SPAS-12 shotgun.

    • Difficulty: Moderate ★★

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 30RPM @ 11 damage per hit, 8 shots

    • Inaccuracy: 4 studs

    • Health/Shield: 100 Health / 0 Shield, does not regenerate

    • Strengths: Relatively high close range damage.

    • Weaknesses: Incapable of attacking effectively at longer ranges.

Eeveeperial American Government

  • New Enemy: CQC Combat Model A variant on the standard Combat Android model wielding the X33 Trident instead of the more commonly-deployed X42 Assault variant.

    • Difficulty: Moderate ★★

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 40RPM @ 9 damage per hit, 8 shots

    • Inaccuracy: 1.5 studs

    • Health/Shield: 60 Health / 0 Shield, does not regenerate

    • Strengths: Respectable close range damage.

    • Weaknesses: Doesn't work well without assistance from other units.

  • New Enemy: Scout Elite A variant on the Elite Combat Model with lighter armor to allow for greater speed and weapon handling.

    • Difficulty: Moderate ★★

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 444RPM @ 12 damage per hit.

    • Inaccuracy: 2 studs

    • Health/Shield: 160 Health / 0 Shield, does not regenerate

    • Strengths: Moderately high health pool, significantly stronger in large numbers.

    • Weaknesses: Does not have grenades. Against a competent player, they may as well be a glass cannon. Whatever strategies work against regular Elite Combat Androids will work here.

  • New Enemy: KRATOS Assault Guardian / "KRATOS Escort" Previously reserved for Michigan Zone operations, this unit is occasionally re-designated elsewhere to guard heavily restricted zones. Often works alone, but can be seen with other androids in some settings. It is very rare you will encounter one of these, but if you do, prepare thyself for a world of pain. Have fun.

    • Difficulty: V. Hard (Mini Boss) ★★★★

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 350RPM @ 15 damage per hit.

    • Inaccuracy: 2 studs

    • Health/Shield: 500 Health / 1000 Shield, shield regenerates

    • Strengths: Uses grenades and sheer brutality to harass targets at any distance. The usage of Draconic Shields are especially punishing in this case. Detects very quickly and moves faster than most enemies.

    • Weaknesses: Does not "panic full-auto" when too close. Not great against multiple targets attacking at once from differing angles.

    • Lore Fact: KRATOS Android armor does not glow while outside of the Michigan Zone. This is due to it reacting with the reality-altering properties of the Michigan Zone, thus giving it the signature orange glow.

Internal Agency of Omniversal Development

  • New Enemy: IAOD Light Guard Recruits that didn't quite fit the bill for either Technician or Operative positions are placed into this role to serve as sort of "expendable personnel" members.

    • Difficulty: Easy

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 285RPM @ 9 damage per hit.

    • Inaccuracy: 3.333... studs

    • Health/Shield: 80 Health / 0 Shield, does not regenerate

    • Strengths: Highly competent at taking out solo players. Invariably fatal in larger numbers.

    • Weaknesses: Unless in numbers, doesn't do very well against multiple players attacking at once.

  • New Enemy: IAOD Operative High-power phaser assault rifle wielder.

    • Difficulty: Moderate ★★

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 444RPM @ 15 damage per hit.

    • Inaccuracy: 2 studs

    • Health/Shield: 125 Health / 0 Shield, does not regenerate

    • Strengths: Highly competent at taking out solo players. Invariably fatal in larger numbers.

    • Weaknesses: Unless in numbers, doesn't do very well against multiple players attacking at once.

  • New Enemy: IAOD Spikewall Why did it have to be a burst shotgun?

    • Difficulty: Hard ★★★

    • Attacking style: Ranged weapon. 500RPM @ 16 damage per hit, 6 shots

    • Inaccuracy: 5 studs

    • Health/Shield: 215 Health / 0 Shield, does not regenerate

    • Strengths: Two shots is enough to kill you. Fires full auto regardless of distance. If you are caught too close, have fun.

    • Weaknesses: Long recharge time between burst shots. They are also very slow moving and can only fire when close to you (60 studs). Distance is your greatest friend, as the weapon is very inaccurate at long range.

placeholder text (if you're reading this spam ping me)

Character Creator

  • Added the "Pure White" furry customization options, with "White Cat" to compliment it (more to come, don't worry)

  • Removed party hats

Task Force Operations

New Content

  • Added new TFO: "Vault of the Prime"

    • Primary Objective: Have fun. You won't

Removed Content

  • SB-1 has been temporarily removed from the game and will be added back in a hotfix patch. Or...maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's just been moved elsewhere...? Dunno man, you check that out for me.

"Spirit's War" Arc

Spirit's War has been temporarily removed due to changes made to the Roblox Terms of Use regarding romantic themes and the addition of other content descriptors, including 17+ content. It will be re-added later for ID-verified players. Read more about Roblox's ID verification system here.

The Death Quotes

I ended up adding and removing enough death quotes that I lost track of what I added and removed. Go play it and find out for yourself what's changed!

Next Update Plans

Here's a few sneak peeks at my plans for potential future updates.

  • General: A recode of the entire game for further optimization and performance improvements. Does not affect visual quality (sorry, Intel graphics users, you still get lag).

  • General / New Weapons: Custom-scripted throwable ordnance via usage of an all-in-one Ordnance Kit item

  • Global Rebalance: A complete rescript of weapon damage and status effects

  • Weapon Rebalance: A complete redesign for the Robotics Wrench. The Engineer will soon be engi-here.

  • All "Canon" Maps: Implement Boss Mode

  • Task Force Operations: Re-add SB-1 to the game.

  • Task Force Operations: Make a ton of SB-2 balancing changes as time goes on.

  • Task Force Operations: Add the two TFOs you were promised earlier in development which unfortunately had to be cut from this update due to TOS changes. They're still on the way, we're just a bit late getting there.

Concluding Notes

And that's it! Whew, I really outdid myself here and completely burned myself out to the point of almost no return. I'm probably gonna take a break from development for a while to refocus my efforts on Warzone 133 Modded and the rest of the lore, but man does it feel good to finally finish this unnecessarily oversized game update!

please dont let me do this to myself again im begging you

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