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[DEV] Project Evolution Part 1.9 Major Rebalances

It's not a surprise to anyone that some of the stuff in Project Evolution Part 1.9 is either underused, unhealthy for the game, or is otherwise unfair to either play with and/or attempt to play against. This major rebalance update brings the first part of some content that will be arriving with the Recoded update in late 2023 or early to mid-2024, in addition to some other fixes and weapon rebalances to make it a fair experience for everyone.

This is not Project Evolution: Part Two. If you were coming here hoping for that, we apologize for the inconvenience. However, this early release of some of the content is a necessary move to ensure the continued longevity of Warzone 162 Evolved as a tactical shooter. You should not be able to just turn your brain off and spray wildly with the most OP weapon in the game, there can and always must be thought put into this sort of thing.

With my point being stated, here's what I've changed to accomplish this mission:


  • RSixPlus Mk. II: After a few weeks of testing and revisions, R6 is back.

  • Weapon Crouch: You can now crouch with a tool equipped.

  • More Gun Sounds: More firearm sounds can be heard by all players now. This includes equipping weapons, reloading weapons, pumping shotguns, and battery reload starting/ending.

  • Nerfed Quick Swapping: All firearms must now be equipped for at least 0.2 seconds before they can be used.

    • This change does not apply to "admin guns" such as the Cracked Railcannon or Hardlight Cannon.

    • This change also does not apply to Meme Energy, Empowered Meme Energy, and Amelia's Vengeance.

  • Weapon System Unification: All firearms now operate under the same client and server-sided code. This will make it easier for me to apply edits to the entire system in the future. I also cleaned up the file structure so it's less of an eyesore for me and the other developers...


New Weapons

  • Added a new admin-exclusive primary, the 4 Bore Rifle. We are still trying to figure out how the hell to fit this into the game, but for now, it'll be admin-only. It is highly unlikely it will be usable to any serious capacity.

    • Currently only accessible by admins or in the Nexus Training Center if the instructor permits it.

    • Primary semi-auto weapon.

    • Fires a single 4-bore slug shell @ one shot every 2 seconds.

    • Deals 500 base damage, with a headshot multiplier of 500% (2500 damage)

    • Holds one shot per "mag"

    • 3 seconds reload time.

    • Literally almost no spread.

    • On hit: Inflicts knockback with strength 69.

    • On kill: Prints an exclusive death message in chat.

    • Strong Recoil: Inflicts self-knockback with strength 50 on the user when fired.

    • Piercing: Penetrates walls less than 6.66 studs thick.

    • Gibbing: Players and compatible NPCs killed by this weapon are gibbed.

  • Added the NX-10500.


Removed Weapons

  • The X42 Assault Mk. I has been permanently removed from the game in its entirety. It is a duplicate of the X42 Assault Mk. III with a different, worse looking model. Therefore, it serves no further purpose. This weapon had it coming already, its time has just come a bit earlier than intended is all.

Accessibility Changes

  • Users with loadout bypass permissions can now equip items from Amelia's canon loadout in the menu.

    • Currently this is Loremasters only.

    • Admins can still spawn the items with commands.

  • The FAMAS is now usable by all teams.

  • The X42 Assault Mk. II has been made temporarily available only on the EAG team. Its prior restriction to events as a requirement to its usage remains in effect.

    • Does not apply to Inky's akimbo version of the weapon.

  • The X42 Assault Mk. III is now usable by all factions and teams that could previously use the X42 Assault Mk. I.

  • The Proton is now considered a secondary weapon.

  • The Double Barrel has been made temporarily unavailable. The SPAS-12 is just objectively better than it right now. This weapon will definitely be revisited, however.

  • The Energy Compressor LMG has been set loose upon Warzone 162 Evolved, and is currently exclusive to the EAG team.

  • The X1 Laser Sidearm, a secondary obtainable via completing Control Station Sigma on Vengeance difficulty, has been made temporarily unavailable. We may revisit this weapon in the future. Admins can still spawn the weapon.

  • The Dreamsaber Replica has also been made temporarily unavailable. This is because the badge for it is currently unobtainable, and Spirit's War is restricted to 17+ users after a Roblox TOS change. The Katana will remain usable by all players for now.

"Defensive Stance" Reworked

  • Buffed the Katana, Dreamsaber Replica, Golden Dreamsaber, and the Spirit's War version of the Dreamsaber.

    • *R-Ability: Defensive Stance. This ability has been reworked to behave similarly to the blocking and parrying mechanics of Frewsty's "Skyrift." While still timing-reliant, it will no longer be completely useless if you whiff your initial timing.

    • To use Defensive Stance, you must now hold down the ability button and release it when you want to exit the stance. However, simply tapping the button still places you in Defensive Stance for 0.25 seconds.

    • Defensive Stance now has a pool of 200 "block health." Taking damage from melee attacks will deal damage to this pool. You regenerate block health passively when not in Defensive Stance, even if your melee weapon is not equipped.

    • The reworked ability can also block attacks from ranged weapons such as firearms, but you will still take block damage equivalent to 2 times what the weapon's damage would have been.

      • As a tip, try using shotguns or sniper rifles to quickly breach defenses.

    • The better-timed your entering Defensive Stance is, the less block damage you will take. Having near-perfect timing will grant you a retaliation parry, also known as a perfect parry, where you deal damage back to the attacker and heal your block health. This doesn't work against firearms for obvious reason.

    • While in Defensive Stance, you move at half speed.

    • While in Defensive Stance, you cannot attack.

Stat Changes / Rebalances

  • "Experimentally skyrocketed" the NX-65

    • Status effect now lasts significantly longer (10s -> 20s)

    • Base damage reduced (3 -> 1)

    • Fire rate reduced (0.25s -> 1s)

    • Clip size reduced (6 -> 2)

    • Chance of affliction reduced (90% -> 50%)

      • Affliction chance is always calculated on a "per projectile hit" basis.

  • "Experimentally skyrocketed" the NX-44

    • Status effect now lasts longer (4s -> 6s)

    • Chance of affliction increased (20% -> 40%)

    • Hipfire spread increased (8 -> 10)

    • ADS spread reduction increased to 80% from 60%

    • +Critical Strike: This weapon now has a small chance to deal 300% damage.

  • Buffed the NX-100

    • Full auto fire rate increased (0.125s -> 0.1s)

  • Buffed the X20 Iceshock

    • Pre-fire charge time removed

  • Buffed the PSD

    • Headshot multiplier increased (120% -> 150%, 7.5 damage)

    • Hipfire spread reduced (2 -> 0.785)

  • Buffed the .357 Magnum

    • Fire rate increased (0.8s -> 0.5s)

  • Buffed the NX-4

    • Chance of affliction increased (11% -> 15%)

  • Buffed the Frying Pan

    • Damage increased (25 -> 33)

    • Applies to all variants as well.

  • Buffed the Knife

    • +Z-Ability: Dodge Roll. This is equivalent to the Dodge Roll from Spirit's War; however, this version does not give invincibility frames as I think that would just be too much.

    • Damage increased (20 -> 25)

  • Buffed the Robotics Wrench (...well, at least I think)

    • Robots hit by the wrench are now healed for 15% of their max health instead of a flat 15 health per hit

  • Tweaked the Energy Compressor LMG

    • No longer has to reload. The weapon now uses the overheat mechanic instead.

  • Tweaked the X55 Electric Railcannon

    • Level 3 charge shot time reduced (4s -> 2s)

    • Level 3 charge shot headshot multiplier increased (2x -> 3x)

    • Level 4 charge shot time increased (8s -> 16s)

    • Level 4 charge shot base damage decreased (90 -> 80)

    • Level 4 charge shot Hard Damage multiplier increased (25% -> 50%)

    • Level 4 charge shot Hard Damage duration increased (4s -> 30s)

  • Tweaked the NX-500

    • Base damage reduced (110 -> 100)

    • Headshot multiplier enabled (100% -> 200%, 200 damage)

    • Projectile velocity reduced (1000 -> 750)

    • Must now scope in to have perfect accuracy

  • Tweaked the USP

    • Damage increased (7 -> 8)

    • Fire rate decreased (Uncapped -> 0.1s)

    • Recoil decreased

  • Tweaked the .44 Desert Eagle

    • Name changed to "Desert Eagle"

    • Now chambered in .50 AE

    • Damage increased (12 -> 25)

    • Headshot multiplier increased (200% -> 350%, 87.5 damage)

    • Fire rate decreased (0.2 -> 0.35s)

    • Magazine size decreased (8 -> 7)

    • Recoil drastically increased

  • Tweaked the Katana

    • Now shares stats with the Dreamsaber Replica and Golden Dreamsaber in this update

  • Changed the visuals of the SPAS-12 and X33 Trident

    • +Gibbing: Players and NPCs killed by these weapons are now gibbed

  • Nerfed the EAG SMG-01

    • Damage reduced (11 -> 10)

  • Nerfed the Proton

    • Hipfire spread increased to 4 from 2 degrees

    • ADS spread reduction lowered to 50% from 60%

  • Nerfed the X6 Disruptor

    • *On hit: Knockback strength reduced (10 -> 5)

  • Nerfed the Dreamsaber Replica and Golden Dreamsaber

    • Damage combo reduced to {35,35,35} from {35,50,80}

    • Blocking attacks with Defensive Stance no longer replenishes health

    • Spirit's War Dreamsaber is unaffected

  • Nerfed the Fists

    • Distance covered by a Shoulder Charge is now slightly lowered.

Other Items

  • All players can now use the Analysis Watch, unless restricted by the map itself.

Status Conditions

  • Temporarily removed Hidden; it was purely visual and served no actual purpose. It will be revisited later though.

Map Changes

Site-Nexus [UPDATE]

  • Added Boss Mode

  • Added health stations around the map. These stations can be used by a single player for up to 10 seconds at a time, and replenishes 10 health per second. To prevent trolling, you can only interact with a health station if you are below 75% of your maximum health, though this system will be revised in the future. Currently, the stations are present within...

    • One in the DFLR control room

    • Two in IAHP's spawn room

    • Three in the main hallways of the facility

    • One in the recreational area's commons room

    • One in the recreational area's pool room

    • One in the surface exit room

    • One in the maintenance sector

Nexus Training Center [UPDATE]

  • Reduced music volume by 25%

  • Fixed some bugs with the music player

Task Force Operations

Updated Content: "The Chamber"

  • While the boss fight is active, falling into the void will now inflict a permanent 25% Hard Damage and damage you equivalent to 50% of your maximum HP before the Hard Damage was inflicted. If this happens 3 times in a single life, you will instantly die instead.

Content Descriptors

Content descriptors have been updated as more weapons can now gib people. The only thing that has changed is that the "Blood" descriptor now describes heavy unrealistic blood. The game is still restricted to 13+ and this will never change.

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