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[Not Lore] Heartfelt Reviews from the Catz vs. 133 Community

Hey, it's Dev Catz. The person that made the website. Yes, I'm breaking the 4th wall.

After some time of consideration and looking through the #we-want-our-server-back text channel in the IAHP Discord server, The honest words from the Catz vs. 133 community have really melted my heart and given me an opportunity to see just how much this event means to you, really, and I'm glad that my care for this event has been reciprocated despite the temporary closure of Warzone 133 Modded, and the permanent closure of Warzone 162 Legacy.

I've been looking forward to the future of this event so much that I haven't had much time to work on other projects, or even bother to fully read and actually look at the comments made within that channel, and now finally being able to see what this event means has really changed how I look at this event. So I've decided I'm going to take my time.

To start off with this, I've made a personal blog post just to showcase these kind words, and hopefully show those who don't even know what this website really is just how much this world that I'm building means to them. So, let's start this off...


"I joined the Catz vs. 133 event last year, and from then, it quite literally became the main event of my life, because my life is rather uneventful. Almost always, Warzone 162 Legacy made my day, but then the great deafening came. The community still pushed forward. And now, most of the events are on Warzone 133 Modded, which is really fun for me. So please, try your best to bring the server back up. The whole community will be waiting for you guys."


"Last year I joined catz vs. 133 and had no idea what I was doing, but once I figured it out, I was having a lot of fun with 162, and discovered many cool things, but as the great deafening happened, we found a way through and had 133 modded, and that was great too, We'll get through this too."


"fun fact: warzone 133 is my life and since it's been down I've been mainly extremely board ."


"The Catz vs. 133 lore event has been a great place to be. Through lore season one we ran around and had fun, and near the end of season one we made it through the great deafening and kept this place afloat. This shows that through hardship, we can fix it as much as possible and make it through."


"Last year I joined Catz vs 133 and I though “Huh, thats a nice lil thing to see” and I was in for a wild ride, the control stations, that one last minute “Zero Point” presentation I made for Freedom day and the raid on CS Omicron, and the redistribution that kick started season 2, my whole quest looking for an area for the Ark base and the fun memories I had in both warzone 162 and 133, and with site Nexus going well this is a major minor setback, so don’t give up Catz! Same with you OPs this is just the “setup” period before wz133m’s “2nd renaissance” so keep going yall! I believe in y’all!!! :D"


"Last year I was just participating in the 2021 FloppyFish SMP olympics, it was the closing ceremony when all of a sudden an eevee for an unknown (to me) reason hacks catz's account and spawns a Wither. After it was defeated he started fighting us himself inevitably leading to him killing me and stealing my items. you know how this goes "YOU BETTER GIVE ME MY ITEMS BACK OR I'LL TAKE THIS SWORD (The Bastard Sword Of Admin Abusers) AND STICK IT BETWEEN YO BALLS! (no censoring this time but only because it was the exact quote)" this event has given me and my oc's some character development so to see the life support I CAUSED break is very sad"


"Last year, Catz vs 133 started as just a tiny roleplay, but as time went on, Catz really worked to expand on this, making games, organizing events, writing up an entire document on it, and more. I can tell a lot of work and passion has been put on this project, most notably the last six months as the community grew to match Catz’s dedication through thoroughly combing the map for secrets and even speedrunning certain maps for fun. When Roblox released the audio update on April 20, Warzone 162 died, but from the ashes rose Warzone 133 Modded and Site-Nexus. Like before, lots of work were put into these two projects, and the community worked together to achieve many things in Warzone 133 Modded. To me, this roleplay is a symbol of perseverance and how strong the community is. Warzone 133 Modded was one of the places where the community can come together and cooperate on builds and make the roleplay even more enjoyable. When it died, it only shedded its flaws in preparation for something greater."

Dev Catz:

I think it's time I said a few words myself.

Catz vs. 133 was never supposed to end up the way it is today; but look how far we've come since a year and a half ago. We got through a lot together; Season One's lore started off confusing, but now in Season Two it all makes sense. The character development that both Canon Catz and Wild133Appeared has gone through over time leading up to the American Seven Hour War is absolutely astonishing, so I'll just start from the beginning.

A real long time ago, Catz vs. 133 started in a channel known only as the "Eevee Cave" in the FloppyFish Dubbing Community. It wasn't meant to be anything like it is now; it was meant to be a simple and funny skit that I did, where my alt account 133 held his own special "meme contest," requesting a sacrifice of memes to fuel his power and "overthrow the furret lords." This was all meant as a joking way to hold a meme contest while using my alt account to mess around and have fun, but after a while, people started taking it a little more seriously. Unsure how to proceed, I had 133 agree, and so he led a small group of people to capture one of Canon Catz's closest friends, that being Dister, and use them as leverage.

This failed miserably because Dister added me to the group chat and in the panic, I basically fired a ton of bullets without really hitting anything. Either way, 133 retreated with his party back to the Eevee Cave...and then I had an idea. And so Catz vs. 133 began with the creation of the #no-mans-land text channel; a text channel that would go on to get featured in Warzone 162 Legacy by way of the many memorable "death quotes" that would randomly appear whenever you got oof'ed in-game. Even in Zero Nexus, this system persists, because who doesn't like laughing at old memories in odd situations?

Regardless of what happened, throughout the lore timeline, throughout the underlying lore of The Industry and the Control Stations, and quite literally with bullets flying through the Guardians of The Industry itself, this community persisted and remained strong even after Warzone 162 Legacy's closure. And even then, the community refused to die out. So from the ashes of Lore Season One, Warzone 133 Modded--the Michigan Zone--was born, with Zero Nexus soon to follow.

And now, even more new developments are coming. With an upcoming major release in the story in the form of Project Evolution, soon to also be known by the name of Aww...try again, Catz vs. 133 lives on, and I have high hopes for its future going into the latter half of 2022. We've survived March 22 2021 and the Great Deafening, and we will survive worse in the future if need be. But through the fire and the flames, we carry on! DOWN WITH 133, WHO'S WITH ME?!

and that's all he wrote.

signed, dev catz

Project Evolution is planned to release in mid-July.

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