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An Update on the Status of Project Evolution Part 2


Hello everyone, I understand that you've all been waiting for news on Project Evolution Part Two and Warzone 162 Evolved re-opening at some point in the future. I must unfortunately disappoint some people in the process of giving an update on the progress towards this mega update for the game.

I'll be dividing this update into three sections: The General Stuff, The Lore Stuff, and The Controversial Stuff. With that out of the way, allow me to begin. I know some people aren't going to like some of the changes I'm bringing, but after some analysis, the pros outweigh the cons by a sizable margin.

The General Stuff

To start off, let me say that Project Evolution Part Two has not been worked on as hardly as it should, and for that, I am sorry. My focus has been mostly on revising the lore timeline of Catz vs. 133, rather than proceeding with content updates that everyone has been waiting a long time for. Again, I apologize for keeping you waiting, though I firmly believe that this "mass retcon" is necessary for Catz vs. 133 to push forward, so that we can also more readily welcome new players.

The same can be said for Warzone 133 Modded Mark 4. However, as that is not the subject of this update, I will leave it out of this for the time being. Maybe it'll be up some time in March, I don't know. For now, allow me to at least let you know some of the updates we've been working on for Warzone 162 Evolved, so that you have something to look forward to:

  • A full remaster of the Spirit's War Arc, with new revised cutscenes and full voice acting that eliminate a lot of the plot holes previously present. And yes, we're adding Vengeance difficulty to the game. Spirit's War Chapter II is coming as well.

  • Two new Task Force Operations, both cooperative missions with unique mechanics and objectives for both casual and serious players alike. There are many different ways to complete the objectives, but they'll ultimately fall under one of two categories; so with that said, stealth or loud?

  • The long-awaited Omniversal Expansion: Phase III and The Riverside Special Battle Events will finally be a reality (albeit with some minor retcons and maybe an extra delay).

  • A complete rework of the melee combat system for more advanced players to exploit and profit from.

  • A brand new, significantly more user-friendly title menu.

  • A new file structure to the Z3R0 N3XUS Audio Content Packs, and an improved audio checking system for the game itself.


The Lore Stuff

With a new Revised Lore Timeline in the works, that also brings lore changes to Warzone 162 Evolved. The significantly reduced size of the two Michigan Zones, and the East Michigan Zone now existing, necessitates map changes to not only Site-Nexus, but also The Forest. Changes will more than likely not be coming to places such as Spirit Break, as Operation Spirit Break would canonically occur before the Michigan Zone Split occurs.

Originally, I had the idea of switching to non-linear storytelling. However, I now believe a more hybrid approach between linear and non-linear storytelling may be necessary; Special Battle Events and Canon/Classic maps may be linear to a point where it makes sense yes, but experiences such as Control Stations, Spirit's War, and Task Force Operations may be told nonlinearly.

Finally comes a topic that some of us don't want to remember: the removal of Anon from the Lore Timeline of Catz vs. 133. Unfortunately, this has its ramifications; I have considered several people possibly taking this role, but haven't been able to settle on a decision. That is why later today I'll be going through every possible candidate I've thought of, and make a final decision on who will take the place as 133's new Right Hand Man and Commander of the Eeveeperial Armada.

To answer a question you may immediately have, no, there will not be an application. I've already handpicked some potential candidates. If that doesn't work out, I'll just make an OC to replace his role in the Lore Timeline.

The Controversial Stuff

...and now onto the stuff I didn't want to have to talk about, but for the sake of transparency, I will be talking about.

Some of you who played the Warzone 162 Evolved PTB during its time of being public will remember a hybrid primarily OTS-based camera system that I was testing. This camera system was later rejected by the community.

After some consideration, I have decided to, for this one time at least, to ignore the wishes of my community. The amount of potential options the new hybrid camera system provides for camera manipulation, in addition to the number of exploits this patches, is too large to ignore. Also, in case some of you have forgotten, you voted for Warzone 162 Unity to have something not too unlike this when I first asked you.

However, for everyone's sake, I will be making some changes to how the camera system worked previously, such as:

  • The mouse cursor will be unlocked upon pressing the backpack key (`) in addition to the P key.

  • You will be able to scroll in and out to a limited extent by pressing the I and O keys, and there will be a "first person lock" mode.

  • Crouching will force your camera into first person mode.

  • Holding items such as keycards will not activate the "over shoulder" mode of the camera. Holding any actual weapon will activate it like normal, however.

I have no plans to revert this change, nor do I have solid plans to implement this in the first place due to the complexity of the new system. In the event I once again change my mind about this and decide not to implement the new camera system, I will still make it possible to aim down the sights of a weapon while using Shift Mouse Lock, but due to Roblox's limitations that action will force you into first person mode.

I thank you all for your continued support and understanding and hope that after me having stated my points regarding this (debatably unwelcome) change, you will begin seeing things how I have recently.

I will be hosting a Private Test Beta session of Warzone 162 Evolved that acts as an effective "re-testing" of the hybrid camera system. This is your last chance to share your opinions before I ultimately add the camera system. If, even after all I've said to defend myself, you still turn this camera system down, I might go back on this. But don't get your hopes up.

I thank all of you for reading, and for continuing to support the Catz vs. 133 Worldbuilding Project.


-- Dev Catz / @CatzRule_81 / The Feline Overlord

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